2009年6月15日 星期一

Session 4: Assignment One Question

Find one example of Internet marketing that you think is particularly effective and one example that is ineffective. Explain your reasons, for example, you can describe how well the effective example takes advantage of the Internet's properties (e.g. interactivity, personalization, greater hold on user's interest). For the ineffective ad, you may describe how you can improve on it.NOTE: You are free to use your own examples, or any of the examples I shared with you in class or in the class blog.

Effective sample:

Sony Ericsson HK

The HK’s home page of Sony Ericsson is a very good sample for us. On the theme, we can see they do a very good web-site design to promote there mobile phone and related service. For example, customer can download the update games, ringtones, software, theme…..etc from the web-site. It affect customer to visit the web-site constantly and to hold on user’s interest.
Besides, the web-site shows up all the detail information of their phones and accessories (e.g. product image, introduction, functions……). It gives customer complete information for the model choosing before the purchase action. I really like that from the web-site is that they have a product compare function, it help me to see what the advantage and disadvantage of the phone when there were more than one model I preferred. So I can thought this function to do my final decision.
Reference: http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/products/mobilephones?lc=en&cc=hk#view=phones&cdl=1&s=0&detail=0&cmp=1&acc_cid=0&cid=0&cmp_id0=595336&cmp_id1=533109&acc_pid=0&pid=595336&pid_type=phone&cmp_id2=483401

Ineffective sample:

Broadway HK

In their web-site, we can only see the updated promotion issue, their branch address, company introduction……etc.
But when we want to check the detail information for some of the electronic goods, we can’t do it because the web-site doesn’t provide any services to fulfill this requirement. Besides, the web-site also hasn’t any product price information too.
That mean when consumers want to compare the product function or price, they only can make a phone to the nearly branch and ask the sales person. It seems not a very good internet marketing tactic for me and can’t let consumers satisfied.

1 則留言:

  1. I totally agree. Ericsson makes good use of the interactivity and two-way communication capabilities of the Internet, while Broadway does not. I also love the comparison function since it's too difficult to make a purchasing decision nowadays without some assistance.

    It's time for Broadway to update not just the functions but to refresh the look/appearance/organization of their web site, too !
